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Belmont Community Organization (BCO)

Belmont Community Organization serves the community through food and emergency financial assistance. They also have a clothing and household item closet. We support the BCO through monthly collections of non-perishable food items and other special collections throughout the year including a coat drive in the fall months.

Sock and Mitten Tree

Each year, in the months leading up to Christmas we collect socks, mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves and place them on a Christmas tree in our sanctuary. The children’s sized items are donated to North Belmont Elementary School to help keep all of God’s children warm during the winter.

Missional Network

As United Methodists we are part of a connectional church. This means we work together with other United Methodists churches in our area for the transformation of our community. During the winter and spring breaks from school we volunteer with the Feeding the Children program to deliver hot lunches to children in the area. We participate in other special mission projects including the Potato Drop. Each summer we volunteer at Camp GRACE; a week-long Vacation Bible School offered at North Belmont Elementary School. Together with other churches we can help our community more than we can on our own.

Other Mission Opportunities

Check back regularly to see when other mission opportunities come up. In the past we have met to make cookies for local fire fighters, made sandwiches to bring to the Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte, assembled treat bags for people staying at the Hospitality House in Charlotte, served dinner for Family Promise, and much more.
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